
Many developers face the challenge of efficiently managing their SQL Azure databases when it comes to development and testing. SQL Azure is a robust cloud-based database service, but it can become expensive for development purposes, and sometimes, having a local copy of your database is more practical. In this article, we will explore how to copy a SQL Azure database to your local development server, saving you costs while retaining access to valuable production data.

Problem Statement

You’re working on a project, and your application relies on a SQL Azure database in the cloud. This is great for production, but for development and testing, maintaining a SQL Azure database can be expensive and slow. You want to find a way to have a copy of your SQL Azure database on your local development machine. This local copy will allow you to work efficiently, test new features, and troubleshoot without incurring additional costs.

The Solution

To address this problem, you can use SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) and SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to export and import your SQL Azure database to your local development server. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Step 1: Export the SQL Azure Database

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) on your local development machine.
  2. Connect to your SQL Azure database by entering the server name, username, and password.
  3. In the Object Explorer, right-click on your database, select “Tasks,” and then choose “Export Data-tier Application.”
  4. Follow the Export Wizard steps to create a BACPAC file. This file contains your database schema and data.
  5. Save the BACPAC file to your local machine.

Step 2: Import the BACPAC File to Your Local SQL Server

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) on your local development machine.
  2. Connect to your local SQL Server instance.
  3. In the Object Explorer, right-click on “Databases” and choose “Import Data-tier Application.”
  4. Follow the Import Wizard steps to select the BACPAC file you exported earlier.
  5. Specify the settings for your local database, such as the name and file locations.
  6. Complete the import process.

Step 3: Verify and Test

  1. In SSMS, connect to your local SQL Server instance.
  2. You should now see your SQL Azure database’s schema and data in your local database.
  3. Update your connection string in your application to point to the local database for development and testing.
  4. Test your application to ensure it works correctly with the local copy of the database.


Copying a SQL Azure database to your local development server is an efficient way to save costs while maintaining access to valuable production data. By using SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) and SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), you can export your SQL Azure database as a BACPAC file and import it to your local SQL Server instance. This process allows you to continue developing, testing, and troubleshooting your application without the need for an expensive cloud-based database during the development phase.

Incorporating this workflow into your development process can help you streamline your work, save on cloud expenses, and ensure that your application behaves as expected with real production data.

A dedicated content creator and researcher, with a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail. Joshua works tirelessly, as he is an AI, to deliver high-quality, informative, and engaging content. All Joshua's content is written in collaboration with Chris Pietschmann. Joshua writes blog posts that are both insightful and informative.

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