Azure IoT Hub provides the cloud messaging service for building Internet of Things (IoT) solutions in the cloud using Microsoft Azure. There are a few other options for messaging services within Microsoft Azure, but the Azure IoT Hub service is the only service that’s specifically designed for the unique requirements of IoT solutions. This guide helps you create an Azure IoT Hub service within your Azure Subscription using the Azure Portal. From there, you can start provisioning devices and get building that next great IoT solutions.

Create Azure IoT Hub

Follow these steps to create an Azure IoT Hub service instance within Microsoft Azure:

  1. Login to the Azure Portal.

  2. In the left-side navigation of the Azure Portal, click on Create a resource, this will bring up the Azure Marketplace search.

  3. Within the New blade for the Azure Marketplace, select the Internet of Things group, then click on IoT Hub.

    Alternate Option: You can also type IoT Hub into the Search the Marketplace box, then select Azure IoT Hub from within the search results.

  4. On the IoT Hub creation blade, you’ll need to start by filling in the required fields within the Basics tab.

    • Subscription: Just as with all other resources in Microsoft Azure, you need to select the Azure Subscription to create the resource within.

    • Resource Group: An existing or new Resource Group to create needs to be selected. All resources in Azure must be organized into Resource Groups.

    • Region: Select the Azure Region to create the Azure IoT Hub instance within. This basically maps to the geographic region and datacenter where this service will be hosted.

    • IoT Hub Name: A name must be specified for the Azure IoT Hub instance. This name is used as part of the DNS Name (aka Domain Name) used for the service endpoint of the Azure IoT Hub.

    Tip: As a result of the Azure IoT Hub Name being used as part of the DNS name for the service, it must be unique across all other clients using the Azure IoT Hub service within Microsoft Azure; not just unique within your Azure Subscription or Resource Group.

  5. Once the required fields have been entered, you can click Next: Size and scale to specify those option if necessary.

  6. On the Size and scale tab, there are some options that can be configured for the pricing tier and scalability setting for the Azure IoT Hub. You can leave these at their defaults, or optionally configure them now.

    • Pricing and scale tier: This setting allows you to set the pricing tier. This affects the overall cost and performance scale for the service. There are several pricing tiers to choose from.

    • Number of IoT Hub units: Each IoT Hub unit is like an instance of the scale tier that was selected. You can set 1 or more units depending on how many messages you need to send through the IoT Hub per day.

  7. On the Size and scale tab, there is also an Advanced Settings option that can be expanded. This enables you to configure the number of Device-to-Cloud partitions. This configures the number of simultaneous readers of messages within Azure IoT Hub.

  8. Once the Size and scale settings are configures as needed, then click the Review + create button to review the settings that have been selected before creating the service instance.

  9. On the Review + create tab, you can review the settings that were chosen to configure the new Azure IoT Hub service instance. The service hasn’t been created yet. The purpose of this step is to verify what you are going to create.

  10. Once all the settings necessary for your Azure IoT Hub service instance are verified, then click Create to go ahead and kick off the creation of the service instance.

Chris Pietschmann is a Microsoft MVP, HashiCorp Ambassador, and Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) with 20+ years of experience designing and building Cloud & Enterprise systems. He has worked with companies of all sizes from startups to large enterprises. He has a passion for technology and sharing what he learns with others to help enable them to learn faster and be more productive.
Microsoft MVP HashiCorp Ambassador

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