Using Terraform String ‘replace’ Function  for RegEx String Replacement

Using Terraform String ‘replace’ Function for RegEx String Replacement

HashiCorp Terraform offers a lot of powerful functions that can be used for string manipulation within your Infrastructure as Code (IaC) projects. Among these functions is the versatile replace function, which enables users to perform both simple string replacements as well as regular expressions (RegEx) based string...

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IoT Security Architecture: Trust Zones and Security Boundaries

IoT Security Architecture: Trust Zones and Security Boundaries

There are many aspects to architecting an Internet of Things (IoT) solution. Security is the most important aspect of any computer system, but it's especially important with IoT solutions. It seems we are constantly seeing news reports about IoT solutions being hacked...

Read and Write Azure Blob Storage with C#

Read and Write Azure Blob Storage with C#

In this article, we'll explore how to integrate the Azure Storage SDK into a .NET application. We'll cover the steps to read and write blobs from Azure Storage, and we'll also discuss how to obtain your Storage Account Key. By the end of this guide, you'll have a...

Read and Write Azure Blob Storage with Javascript

Read and Write Azure Blob Storage with Javascript

In this article, we'll explore how to integrate the Azure Storage client library for Javascript into a Node.js application. We'll cover the steps to read and write blobs from Azure Storage, and we'll also discuss how to obtain your Storage Account Key. By the end of...

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Using Terraform String ‘replace’ Function  for RegEx String Replacement

Terraform: Modules using Git Branch as Source

HashiCorp Terraform empowers DevOps Engineers and SREs to manage cloud resources efficiently. One of its standout features is the Terraform Modules support, allowing users to organize and reuse infrastructure code effectively as reusable modules. While Terraform's...



Azure CLI: Check if Blob Exists in Azure Storage

Azure CLI: Check if Blob Exists in Azure Storage

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty details, let's clarify some essential concepts. Azure Storage, a cloud-based storage solution, is organized into a hierarchy of containers, and within these containers, you'll find Blobs. Blobs are objects or files that can be...