There are 2 options to “shutdown” a Virtual Machine (VM) running in Microsoft Azure. Each of the two methods have different affects on the cost of your Azure subscription. One way you will still get charged for the compute resources, and the other will free you from paying for the compute resources and help you reduce your overall cost. This article takes a look at these, and explains the difference between them.

How Azure VM Billing Works

When Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines (VMs) are running they are billed on a “per hour” basis. You will only pay for the number of hours your VM is running after you create it. If you leave the VM running all month long, this means you pay for the entire month. But, if you stop and deallocate the VM, then you will only be billed for the time the VM is actually running.

The reason you are only billed for the time when the VM is running, and not when it’s deallocated, is because when it’s running is the only time actual compute hardware in the datacenter is dedicated to your VM. When the VM is deallocated, then Microsoft Azure releases the hardware reservation for your VM so it can be used by some other Azure resource that needs it.

Beware that when you “Stop” the VM by shutting down the Operating System, then the VM is still running in Microsoft Azure. In order to stop billing for the VM, you need to stop the VM to put it into a “deallocated” state. When the VM is in the “Stopped (deallocated)” state, that’s when billing will be paused. The “Stopped (deallocated)” state is discussed further down below.

Keep in mind that when the VM is deallocated you are still paying for the storage used to store the VMs operating system disk and any other data disks attached to the VM. Storage still takes up resources in the Azure datacenter so you will still be billed for those. Although storage is relatively inexpensive, so leaving a VM in your Azure Subscription that is not running and deallocated wont really cost very much.

Stopped vs Stopped (Deallocated)

The first method to shutdown an Azure VM, that sounds logical in the context of connecting with Remote Desktop, is to Shutdown the Operating System. In this scenario you would be connected with Remote Desktop, and when done with your work you go to the Power options within the Windows operating system and then select the Shutdown option. This will essentially “turn off” or power down the Virtual Machine (VM), and stop it from running. However, with this method, even though the VM is not running you will still be paying for the Azure VM compute resources (aka hardware allocation) in the datacenter. This will cause the Azure Portal to report the status of the VM as “Stopped”.

The second method, and the important one to remember, is to go into the Azure Portal (or use the Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell) and use Azure to Stop the VM. Instead of just shutting down the Operating System, Azure will also deallocate the compute resources allocated for the VM. This releases the compute resources to be used for another customer within Microsoft Azure. This will cause Azure to no longer charge you for the compute resources, and Azure will report the status of the VM as being in a “Stopped (Deallocated)” state.

Properly Shutdown Azure VM to Save Money 5
Screenshot: VM blade in Azure Portal showing VM is Stopped (deallocated)

While an Azure VM is in the “Stopped (Deallocated)” state, you will not be charged for the VM compute resources. However, you will still need to pay for any OS and data storage disks attached to the VM.

It’s a good idea that when ever you don’t actually need the VM to be running that you Stop it using Azure so that the resources are released. While in the “Stopped (Deallocated” status, you will not be paying for the VM resources. This will really help you save money!

Use Azure CLI to Stop (Deallocate) Azure VM

You can also use the Azure CLI, or even PowerShell cmdlets to stop and deallocate Azure Virtual machines (VMs). Using the Azure Portal is convenient, but there are times when automation is a better solution.

Stopping and Deallocating an Azure VM using the Azure CLI can be done with the following commands:

# Stop Azure VM
az vm stop --name {vm name} --g {resource group name}
# Deallocate Azure VM
az vm deallocate --name {vm name} -g {resource group name}

I encourage you to check out the Quickly Start / Stop ALL VMs article I’ve previously written, as it includes more description and additional script samples for stopping Azure VMs.

Manually Shutdown VM within Azure Portal

To “properly” Stop a VM in the Azure Portal to release the resources and save money, you can follow these steps:

  1. Within the Azure Portal, navigate to the Virtual Machine blade for the desired VM.
  2. On the Overview pane, click the Stop button.
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Screenshot: “Stop” button highlighted for VM blade in Azure Portal

There is one caveat to be aware of when shutting down an Azure VM so it gets placed into the Stopped (Deallocated) status. Since this causes Azure to release the server resources associated with the Virtual Machine, it not only releases the CPU and Memory resources but also the Dynamic IP Address allocation. Due to this, when you Start the VM back up again, the IP Address will likely change. If you require the IP Address to never change for your VM, then you’ll need to configure a Static IP Address for the VM.

To start up a Stopped VM, you can follow these steps:

  1. Within the Azure Portal, navigate to the Virtual Machine blade for the desired VM.
  2. On the Overview pane, click the Start button.
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Screenshot: “Start” button highlighted for VM blade in Azure Portal

Another point that’s important to remember when stopping Azure VM’s and placing them into the “Stopped (Deallocated)” state is that you do still pay for the Azure Storage account usage. Remember, the Storage account is where the VM’s .vhd disk image file is stored. Stopping the VM retains all the VM’s settings / configurations, as well as the .vhd image stored in Azure Storage. As a result, you will still incur some cost for the storage, but at least you will save on the VM resources. After all, the Storage will only cost a small amount of money compared to the much higher cost of the Virtual Machine resource allocation if it were left running constantly.

Schedule VM Auto Shutdown

Manually shutting down a VM to put it in the Stopped (Deallocated) status is a great way to save cost on Azure VM’s. Although, you do need to remember to Stop the VM. This introduces a certain level of human error in the process of saving you hosting costs on your Azure VMs. As a result, Microsoft has added a scheduled auto-shutdown feature into the platform to assist you in this effort.

With the Auto-shutdown feature, you are able to configure a specific Time (with Time Zone) when Azure is to automatically shutdown the VM. When configured, the VM will automatically be stopped if it is still running at that time of day.

To configure Auto-shutdown of an Azure VM, you can follow these steps:

  1. Within the Azure Portal, navigate to the Virtual Machine blade for the desired Virtual Machine.
  2. In the list of links on the Virtual Machine blade, click on Auto-shutdown.
  3. On the Auto-shutdown pane, configure the specific TimeTime Zone, and desired notification Webhook URL settings, then click Save.
Properly Shutdown Azure VM to Save Money 8
Screenshot: “Auto-shutdown” pane of VM blade with options highlighted

If you forget to Stop your VM at the end of the day, or whenever the Auto-shutdown time is configured it will get Shutdown automatically. When using a Visual Studio development VM, this can become a good thing on Friday afternoons (or any other day when you might be in a hurry) when you’re most likely to forget to shutdown the VM.

Chris Pietschmann is a Microsoft MVP, HashiCorp Ambassador, and Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) with 20+ years of experience designing and building Cloud & Enterprise systems. He has worked with companies of all sizes from startups to large enterprises. He has a passion for technology and sharing what he learns with others to help enable them to learn faster and be more productive.
Microsoft MVP HashiCorp Ambassador

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